Why need software
As a hospital administrator responsibility maintains every patient like OPD management, pharmacy management, OT management, etc. Hospital management software like ABM H-Care provides solutions for all financial, clinical and operational activities in a hospital. It has separate modules that can handle the various activities pertaining to the front desk, OPD, pharmacy, inpatient management, operation theatre activities, delivery room activities, laundry, HR management, accounting, store & purchase, MIS report generation, and etc.so this ABM H-Care Hospital management software is very user-friendly. Let’s come to join JP Software Company and manage your hospital with a computerized system.
Challenges of administration
As an Administrator of the hospital, Well-tuned hospital workflow involves lots of important decisions that should be made in the most efficient and quick way. Nowadays it is hard to implement it without hospital management system software. In this article, we’ll explore what is ABM H-Care Hospital Management Software what functions it performs and how it helps the healthcare industry be more effective and patient-centric.
- Patient management
- Appointment module in hospital management
- Inventory management
- Staff Management
- Accounting
- Insurance services integration
- Medicine management
- Laboratory and tests management
- Reporting
- Helpdesk & support
- Indoor Admit Patient Dashboard
- Patient Certificate
- Nurse Observation chart
- Print OPD Patient Prescription Latter
- Print Indoor Patient Concern Form
- Patient Medical Records
- O.T Notes
- Indoor Patient Bed Shifting
- User Wise Security Module
- Multi-User
- Outdoor Patient Management
- Indoor Patient Management
- Account Module
- Reports Module
- MRD Module
- Laboratory Module
- Store Module
- Medical Inventory Module
- Insurance Module
- Outdoor Patient Appointment Module
- SMS Integration
- Wise Fee Module
Master Entry Module
- Indoor Charge Master
- Bed/Ward/Floor Master
- Account Master
- Doctor Master
- Create Indoor Patient Discharge Master
- Investigation Master
- Diagnosis Master
- Insurance Master
- Medicine Dose Master for Prescription Latter
- Diagnostic Master for Laboratory Billing and Reporting
- Employee Management Master
Transaction Entry Module
- Outdoor Patient Receipt Generation(OPD)
- Indoor Patient Advance and Discharge Bill Generation (IPD)
- Medical Shop Purchase and Sale Receipt Generation
- Diagnostic Test Receipt Generation
- Day Care Receipt Generation
- Daily Expanse and Income Accounting
MIS Reports Module
- Doctor Wise OPD Collection Register
- Refer to Doctor Wise Collection
- UHID Number Wise Patient Register
- OPD Patient OPD Fee Refund Register
- Complimentary Report Register
- Outdoor Patient Appointment Register
- OPD Patient Discount Reports
- Indoor Patient Admission Register
- Patient Wise Pending Bill Register
- Advanced Receipt Register
- Indoor Patient Discharge Bill Register
- Patient Bill Register Head Wise
- Indoor Collection Register Consultant Wise
- Indoor Patient Occupied Bed Register
- Refer Doctor Account Register
- Insurance Wise Bill Register
- Diagnostic Center Collection Register
- Diagnostic Center Collection Consultant wise Register
- Test Wise Collection Register
- Dues Bill Register
- Refer Doctor Wise Account Register
- Daybook Report(All Transaction)
Account Module
- Cashbook
- Journal book
- General Ledger
- Profit Loss
- Balance Sheet
- Trial Balance
ABM Hospital Management software is window-based (offline) Software. As your requirement after buying this software our team properly configures software on your number of computers by Local Area Network. After installing and proper training this software himself you will be able to handle different functionality as mentioned in the module workflow. We provide multiple types of versions according to your budget and needs.
Let’s start work by creating some sources from where you as an operator you can generate UHID wise Patient registration. ABM H-Care Software always Generates the Unic ID of the patient. You can see as below image there is a number of option available like patient name, age, and mobile number, under the doctor, relative information, Insurance detail and many more. Where you can after saving these records you can transfer patients as medical department wise of the patient.
As a patient registration as mention image, we can generate OPD receipt as doctor wise and also we can refund, discount in receipt if need. ABM-Hcare software generating fee auto after selecting a particular doctor name and then saving records you can generate receipt print with a welcome message.
Now here the next step for admitting a patient. Suppose we want to admit the patient as his condition. Then ABM Hcare Software provides the very user-friendly option just you should go in registration option and select a particular patient UHID number to generate by software then quickly select by UHID number of patient and follow the admission step by software select like patient category, referring a doctor name, bed, ward, floor, etc. After serving records you can at a time deposit some advance and print. Also, print multiple types of admission form.
After all treatment of admitted the patient, we can easily generate patient discharge bill. ABM Hcare software auto-fill all charges patient bill from admitting date to discharge date. Also, we can select manual charges in the bill. And Software auto-adjusts the advance amount from the total final amount of the bill and we can print attractive bills.
Let’s come Now we here discuss the patent discharge summary report as mention bellow image as a patient treatment like diagnosis, clinical detail, investigation, treatment/operation, result, advice, etc. and we can print discharge summary report after filling all records.