Schoolyam already launched Mobile Application. Through the rich features of our Schoolyam App, we have helped several school teachers to manage their work inefficient way. Through our system, the teacher can manage all work like attendance, time table, student exam marks easily on tips. And also teachers can share a number of notification, information, study tools, etc. If any parent wants to check their ward academic records then teachers can give all information on a single click. All the task is easy for teachers.

Parents are increasingly involved in the activities of their child’s schooling. Mobile Application allows parents to access their child’s academic records any time anywhere, they can view Attendance, Homework, Time Table, Circular, Fees Details, Request a Leave, View Results, Check Notification, etc. all the updates goes to students dynamically. It enables them to make education more efficient.

Schoolyam is an advanced technology that helps to deliver productivity, efficiency, and revenue in school administration. One of the biggest benefits of a software product is that parents always get the latest information about the fees that they need to pay for their children. School managed fees very easy way, it will make the fees taking easy for school accountants. With the help of our software, every work will go easy and paperless.

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